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Old 04-22-2007, 03:08 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 13
Default Zone.exe Crash... help!

Alright. So I'm asking you to bear with me. I'm a complete amateur.

i set up my first server today. it went up without a hitch, everything running ok....

until I log in and load up a character.

I create a character, and he zones into South Qeynos.

and i get a little popup saying "Zone.exe has encountered an error and needs to terminate"

The zone crashes, and my character gets kicked out. tried multiple times. not a fluke

So here's the feedback I got from the server. any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm trying to learn as I go along here.

[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] New connection from
[Debug] [NET__IDENT_TRACE] First opcode 0x4dd0 did not match e
xpected 0x2792
[Debug] [NET__IDENT_TRACE] Tried patch 6.2_world, and it did n
ot match.
[Debug] [NET__IDENT_TRACE] First opcode 0x4dd0 did not match e
xpected 0x2ec9
[Debug] [NET__IDENT_TRACE] Tried patch 6.2_zone, and it did no
t match.
[Debug] [NET__IDENT_TRACE] First opcode matched 0x4dd0 and len
gth matched 464
[Debug] [NET__IDENTIFY] Identified stream with signature Titani
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] New client from
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] rameho2433: Logged in. Mode=(CharSel)
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] rameho2433: LS Account #71347
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] rameho2433: Name approval request.  Name=Avvmo, race=Fro
glok, class=Wizard
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] rameho2433: Character creation request from rameho2433 L
S#71347 ( :
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] rameho2433: Name: Avvmo
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] rameho2433: Race: 330  Class: 12  Gender: 0  Deity: 208
 Start zone: 14
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] rameho2433: STR  STA  AGI  DEX  WIS  INT  CHA    Total
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] rameho2433:  70   95  100  100   75  110   50     600
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] rameho2433: Face: 1  Eye colors: 5 5
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] rameho2433: Hairstyle: 255  Haircolor: 255
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] rameho2433: Beard: 255  Beardcolor: 255
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] Validating char creation info...
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] Found 0 errors in character creation request
[Status] Start zone query: SELECT x,y,z,zone_id,bind_id FROM start_zones WHERE p
layer_choice=14 AND player_class=12 AND player_deity=208 AND player_race=330

No start_zones entry in database, using defaults
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] rameho2433: Current location: qeynos  -1.00, -1.00, -1.0
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] rameho2433: Bind location: qeynos  -1.00, -1.00, -1.00
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] rameho2433: Character creation successful: Avvmo
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] rameho2433: Attempting autobootup of qeynos (1)
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [8] Setting to 'qeynos' (1)
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] rameho2433: Entering zone qeynos (1)
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [8] [qeynos] Broadcasting a world time update
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [8] [qeynos] Setting to 'qeynos' (1)
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] rameho2433: Sending client to zone qeynos (1) at 192.168
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] rameho2433: Client disconnected (not active in process)
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONELIST] Removing zoneserver #8 at :7007
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONELIST] Hold Zones mode is ON - rebooting lost zone
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] New connection from
[Debug] [NET__IDENT_TRACE] First opcode 0x4dd0 did not match e
xpected 0x2792
[Debug] [NET__IDENT_TRACE] Tried patch 6.2_world, and it did n
ot match.
[Debug] [NET__IDENT_TRACE] First opcode 0x4dd0 did not match e
xpected 0x2ec9
[Debug] [NET__IDENT_TRACE] Tried patch 6.2_zone, and it did no
t match.
[Debug] [NET__IDENT_TRACE] First opcode matched 0x4dd0 and len
gth matched 464
[Debug] [NET__IDENTIFY] Identified stream with signature Titani
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] New client from
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] rameho2433: Logged in. Mode=(CharSel)
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] rameho2433: LS Account #71347

The new connection at the end is me getting kicked to character select and reconnecting.

Like I said, as soon as I zone in, zone.exe crashes. I don't have time to do anything except walk around while I wait for the client to catch up with the server.

thanks in advance.
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Old 04-22-2007, 04:09 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 13

Also, I noticed when I'm logging in and creating a character, it isn't showing up on the _character table.

but when i log back in, the characters are there. odd?
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Old 04-22-2007, 04:15 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: japan
Posts: 171
Default try

[Status] Start zone query: SELECT x,y,z,zone_id,bind_id FROM start_zones WHERE p
layer_choice=14 AND player_class=12 AND player_deity=208 AND player_race=330

No start_zones entry in database, using defaults
I think it has to do with your start_zones in the DB. Try and re source the new start_zones.sql and zones.sql into the db and then restart the db that probaly should fix it.

Take a look you know you want to click on this site.
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Old 04-22-2007, 04:50 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 13

sorry i'm a noob. what exactly do you me by re sourcing the files?
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Old 04-22-2007, 07:05 PM
Dr Zauis's Avatar
Dr Zauis
I know how to fix that!
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 447

Look at this tutorial:

Now look how as they are logged in to mysql as user eq they are sourcing empty_users from the .sql files (usually people put them in the /bin folder of mysql.

Now..I dont know where you got your database but it might be missing the tables mentioned so check the /bin folder in mysql to see if they are there.

If so then you need to log back in to mysql and source them.
Server_Op: ForbiddenZone
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Old 04-23-2007, 04:18 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 13

There are no sql files in my bin folder.

i used the most recent tutorial, with CVS to download the PEQ database.

I don't know if that helps. I have no file called "empty_zones"
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Old 04-23-2007, 09:40 AM
techguy84's Avatar
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Posts: 453

Ok, since you mentioned CVS, your using PEQ right. In the folder that you downloaded the database, (if you used my guide, It would be proably C:\peqdb) there are two sql files. start_zones.sql and zone.sql

Try resourcing both of those manually.

Open up your cmd prompt, navigate to the directory (cd\peqdb) load up mysql (mysql -u root -p), select your peq db (\u peq) and type source start_zones.sql and source zone.sql

Furthermore, try to run your zone.exe files as a standalone, by simply clicking on zone.exe and see if it still crashes. I get crashes when using the launcher. I am working to find out why, and when I do, I will upadte the guide accordingly.

Also, when you sourced in the load_system and load_player sql files, did you first navigate to the peq directory.
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Old 04-23-2007, 09:52 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 13

alright, well I'm not at home at the moment, so I can't try it out, but I can tell you that when I attempt to source zone.sql and start_zones.sql, i get mysql error 2, cannot open or access table.

I got it to go once, and it gave me about a million system beeps saying that the table and rows already exist.

I will try running standalone zone.exe when I get home, but any info you have on why I'm getting the error when I try to source those files would be helpful. I'm thinking maybe they're already properly sourced. or maybe they're corrupt and I should just start over?\

as for when I originally sourced system and players sql files, yes I did navigate properly.

I'll get back to you on the standalone zones.
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Old 04-23-2007, 10:43 AM
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Well, I just went and removed everything and tried a fresh installation. I am now getting the same error myself. I think that I may made a version mistake in the guide regarding the emulator itself. I am looking into it so hold on lol.

Feel free to slap me if I made a mistake.
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Old 04-23-2007, 10:45 AM
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As far as the zone corrdinates issue, what race is your character. Froglok default to south qeynos and there is no starting area for them. Dont know what this is as I havnt played live for a while.
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Old 04-23-2007, 01:39 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 13

well. my character was a froglok. But the zone crashed with my dark elf too. who DID start in neriak.
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Old 04-23-2007, 04:12 PM
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Posts: 453

I know about the crash, I am trying to determine what mistake "I Made" in the guide. I had it working, but for some reason now I am also getting the zone crash. Hopefully I can figure it out and get back to you.

Like i said, feel free to /smack me


I figured out what "I" did wrong. There was a step that I more or less to for granted and forgot to add into the guide. So here's your fix

In your EQ directory, there are two files called


Copy both of these over to your EQEmu directory. Now your good to go.

I do apoligize for this. It was a simple step that I normally do without thinking, like a habit, and I completely omited out of the guide. It has since been updated so you should be ready to go.

Last edited by techguy84; 04-24-2007 at 12:38 AM..
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Old 04-24-2007, 12:12 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 13

awesome! it worked, thanks!
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Old 05-10-2007, 11:58 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 16

Originally Posted by rameho2433
Alright. So I'm asking you to bear with me. I'm a complete amateur.

i set up my first server today. it went up without a hitch, everything running ok....

until I log in and load up a character.

I create a character, and he zones into South Qeynos.

and i get a little popup saying "Zone.exe has encountered an error and needs to terminate"

The zone crashes, and my character gets kicked out. tried multiple times. not a fluke

So here's the feedback I got from the server. any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm trying to learn as I go along here.


The new connection at the end is me getting kicked to character select and reconnecting.

Like I said, as soon as I zone in, zone.exe crashes. I don't have time to do anything except walk around while I wait for the client to catch up with the server.

thanks in advance.

I've seen so many people fall into this trap, and get really frustrated I think I know what the problem is, cause we had it a couple of times (talk about making you sweat when your sever crashes when anyone tries to zone in...)

Anyways, the merchantlist table allows you to put "bad rows" in. Meaning you can enter a row with the merchantid of zero. Well, guess what, everyone's merchantid is zero. This causes zone to crash when trying to load merchant lists (not exactly sure why...)

So, when anyone tries to log in, poof, zone crash...

Simple fix, find the bad row(s) in merchantlist, and delete it(them) Long term fix, change merchantlist table to not accept 0 (we put an autoincrement on it, at least it avoids the crashes... your new merchant probably won't work right, but your zone will load.. LOL) The function that loads the merchants might handle this a bit more gracefully too, maybe some > 0 in the sql or something
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Old 06-05-2007, 09:42 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Ohio
Posts: 648

For the record, this fixed my issue. It was the same as the original poster's, except I wasn't getting a crash message.

I'm running on Debian Linux with MySQL version 4.1.11 and PEQ for the server, and the client on another machine.

When I would go into a zone, I would go linkdead immediately upon entering into the zone, so I was able to walk around until I timed out. The zone logs weren't showing a crash, but when I went into the web page (, it would go from saying 7 zones loaded to 0 zones loaded when I zoned in (6 dynamic, 1 static), so it seemed like a crash.

Looked all over the forums and couldn't find much else that was helpful, other than this thread.

I copied Spells_en & Spells_us into my eqemu directory, restarted the zone servers, and was able to log in successfully.
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