View Full Version : Archive::Quests

Pages : [1] 2

  1. quests addon Ver. 2.5
  2. multiple triggers redux
  3. Quest Problem
  4. New quest format
  5. Quest length
  6. Quests Not Working
  7. Soulbinder Quests for Drawde's Worlddata beta 4
  8. Quick LevelMe & Death Quest Problem With New Code
  9. Item turn-ins for new quest system: are they broken?
  10. Have a suggestion or request or bug report? Post them here.
  11. Next Release
  12. About my quests
  13. Commas causing errors in say() text
  14. new quest problem
  15. Quest addon v. 4.0
  16. Quest v4.0 not working for me, dont know what's wrong....
  17. Different Items
  18. Quest addon 0.1 with soulbinders, PoDs, GMs and scions
  19. GuildWars
  20. NPC ID's
  21. Multiple Item turn in problem
  22. using the castspell(id,spell) function
  23. is there a follow() function or a $playerx,y,z variable?
  24. question re multiple quest rewards
  25. something G O O D to start out from ..
  26. Faction commands for new quest system?
  27. Pausing in quests.
  28. Should I post Quest system Enhancments in Development?
  29. Translocating and GM commands
  30. Quest code in BLOB
  31. Summonitem and exp fuctions not work
  32. quest file for Drawde's latest?
  33. New CVS Version of EQEmu 0.4.4
  34. Quest help please
  35. nothing happening in quests
  36. Quest install
  37. A little Question....
  38. giving NPC cash and other questions
  39. Pre-made Quests.
  40. Need some new server op commands
  41. Getting quests to work help needed.
  42. Links in .qst files
  43. questing help
  44. Leveling and skills NPCs?
  45. Is there a working quest pack for EQEmu 4.4 ?
  46. Quest file re-processor
  47. Need help with this code
  48. Help with multiple item turnins / triggered spawn
  49. Can this be done?
  50. Getting Error on Item handing in
  51. Corpse spawns?
  52. GM items in quest
  53. Quest Downloads
  54. $itemcount problem
  55. MYworldEQ_npcmov_test QUESTS
  56. Need examples/help
  57. are there any quests for "Moving NPC DB alpha2"
  58. I just cannot seem to get the quests to work.
  59. Pause
  60. New GM tutorial
  61. NPCid coming as 0... can anyone help?
  62. Quests by class?
  63. random quest rewards
  64. need some help for 1 sec :)
  65. POP Flags
  66. Only one npc moving along grid?
  67. how do I install quests?
  68. Is something wrong with this?
  69. Heres another problem!
  70. Freedom from Thirst and Hunger Quest. <idea>
  71. Quests not up with .0.5.0?
  72. Help With New Quest Please!
  73. Quest Problems (Another Items Event Problem....)
  74. Quest problem
  75. $status
  76. Finally, an updated set of Quests for 0.5.0
  77. 0.5.0 Quests - Updated 20 November
  78. Scribe Spells by Quest
  79. Modifying the Character Via quest
  80. Quests crashing zones on EQEMu 0.5.0 (newest CVS)
  81. Heads up on new quest syntax?
  82. Ring Wars
  83. How do you guys collect EQlive quest information?
  84. Was led to thinking qst format still worked
  85. Perl Quests?
  86. 5.2 Linux Quest Problem [Sorta Lengthy]
  87. Can't get Quests to work at all.....
  88. Cant get setguild to work
  89. Quest based Translocators?
  90. Collection of Perl Quests?
  91. Getting boats working...
  92. Perl Scripts
  93. Perl Question - Returning values from parser
  94. Quest Development
  95. NPC Trading - NPC Receiving money
  96. Perl Quest Difficulties
  97. NPC and Player Flags Code Fix for Perl
  98. quest::follow(ID) help..
  99. EQEmu 0.5.3 with Perl
  100. Code
  101. paths?
  102. coming soon
  103. Problem installing IO::Scalar
  104. Quest flags for 5.2
  105. Client Force-Cast
  106. Money Conversion Quest
  107. Perl and Quest Differences
  108. Need new event
  109. Anyone able to help?
  110. perl quest EMU simulator
  111. i need the enabled versions
  112. perl quest testing addition
  113. plugin success / failure
  114. quest combines in containers
  115. the gaagle function
  116. how do I make an npc respond to a player in personal text?
  117. Perl caching
  118. Spawning an NPC from inside a timer....
  119. Question
  120. $ulevel question
  121. Question about Perl Quest Stuff
  122. Why isnt this working?
  123. set guild
  124. Problem removing pvp flags!
  125. status level
  126. crash
  127. EVENT_HP
  128. install IO::Scalar problem :(
  129. Trouble with mutliple spawn commands
  130. getting item names
  131. Quest problems
  132. quest_globals.sql ??
  133. quest::giveitem ?
  134. New fuction,quest::setldonpoint
  135. Quest Woe
  136. Problem with Quest Implement
  137. Quest -Remembering a player
  138. Function - Checking faction name ?
  139. Quest Problem
  140. Lost Dungeons of Norrath Points System
  141. web Quest Directory
  142. Planes of Powers Flags
  143. Perl Enabled Zone.exe Crashes???
  144. Confused
  145. Functions
  146. Working for variables.
  147. Quest DING sound?
  148. Aggro Event
  149. i need help
  150. Adventure points by Quests
  151. Quests directory structure
  152. First Quest. Please be gentle.
  153. Problem getting quests to start out of default.
  154. Summon item upon key word?
  155. quest::spawn(x,x,x,x,x,x) question
  156. NPC isn't responding
  157. The Green Leaf - The Skills Skeleton
  158. Zone Crash on quest execute.
  159. Target Variables
  160. PoP progression picture
  161. sitting and permaroot
  162. Perl errors during insall
  163. Function : SetStat
  164. please, i need help for quest.....
  165. quest::targlobal problem
  166. Merchants and Dubious
  167. Quest Combines and the tradeskill column
  168. EVENT_TIMER - can someone post a .qst example please?
  169. Check my work - Proper use of FlagNPC?
  170. PC Global variable ?
  171. Problem with .qst
  172. first quest...
  173. Bored, made a quest for ya to lookie at!
  174. Quest Version
  175. Using Cofruben's Quest Editor
  176. Problems with Perl quest::summonitem
  177. Advanced Perl Functions : ?
  178. .pl??
  179. question about $itemcount
  180. perl syntax...
  181. terris thule script pb
  182. help please /beg on
  183. can i get some help
  184. Soulbinders...
  185. Help with Perl script
  186. random rusty item / leather piece as reward for quest
  187. help plz, setglobal error
  188. bard epic quest
  189. Adding Quest Zones question
  190. Quest Idea/Help
  191. Problem installing perl
  192. plugin.pl not found :(
  193. Buffer Overrun!?
  194. Emote 15?
  195. Priest of Discord PvP Script
  196. stumped with some perl
  197. The road to the Celestial Fists (Monk Epic)
  198. npcs saying things on a timer
  199. Couple of questions
  200. quest::ding();
  201. #perl is now open for your questions.
  202. How to add more perl functions.
  203. PoD Help
  204. Perl enableing your database?
  205. perl_quests updated to current eqemu
  206. Npcs wont attack ???
  207. Scribespell
  208. Nice quest npcs?
  209. Reset Spell Specialization?
  210. emote animations
  211. Question:pretty dumb..im rdy to get flamed
  212. having mobs give back multiple items?
  213. Simple teleport player script for newcomers
  214. Windows installer error?
  215. Making NPC Scribe Spells
  216. idea for flagging quests?
  217. $wp variable..fix?
  218. Running Zone.exe with perl problem
  219. LDoN Recruiter v0.1 Beta (MMC)
  220. Trouble with some code
  221. Swiftwind and Earthcaller - The Ranger Epics
  222. NPCs and Perl
  223. A New Problem: Unresolved External
  224. Planar Progression
  225. $class == warrior?
  226. Casino Quest
  227. Ornate/Elemental Armor Quest
  228. totally lost
  229. CQE official webpage!
  230. itemcount question
  231. Alive and kicking
  232. QUest Problems (Help)
  233. Free Funny Script; By Cameron13
  234. The Buffer Perl Script;: By Cameron13
  235. How to use Perl Scripts
  236. quest::permaclass help?
  237. Pvp/Non Pvp Priest of Discord; By Cameron13
  238. Buffing PERL Script (Formatting)
  239. Help with NPC script
  240. script npc teleporting ..bugged?
  241. review my work?
  242. movenpc function
  243. Spawning/Casting from Inside HP Events
  244. New perl function.
  245. 5.8 related?
  246. $race related
  247. Need Help Please
  248. Any idea why this wont work?
  249. CQE Alternative (ConTEXT)
  250. Returning a value in skills?