View Full Version : Paradigma Diff

05-07-2006, 03:38 AM
After you applied the patch remove the # in front of PDA_FLAGS at each makefile. If you don't want to use parts of the patch just remove the keywords.

Included is a small fix (there r still some parts missing) for Berserkers. They learn how to Double Attack, Riposte, Dodge and Parry.

That's a small fix to make eqemu compatible with MYSQL5.

Want a PvP Server?? Don't forget to add ServerType 1 at your database.variables. First of all thanks Dakaar for the base of this patch. All i did was fixing the problem of peoples loosing their PvP-Flag after zoning. Peoples will have a red name and special skills like kick will work at pvp.

This patch just enables all playable Froglok Classes. (adds Rogue, Shadow Knight and Necromancer)


05-07-2006, 05:57 AM
Added a Complete Heal for Characters if they gain a level. (Didn't work before)

06-25-2006, 01:05 AM

that's the new diff of our server it includes

- players start as shade on our server
- xp forumula got changed it's level*level*75*35/10*(100/normhp*maxhp)/100*2
- pvp fix
- peoples can group regardless of the level diff (not final version)
- if you got hp regen at 0 at the db the mob won't regenerate health at all (already included for the planed quest::ifhealed() eg. wounded questmobs)
- time already got changed to 30seconds realtime per 1minute eqtime (not working atm but we hopefully will fix it soon ;) )