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  1. Handing items in not working
  2. Proximity and npc vs. npc
  3. Prayer Shawl Quest
  4. Spell Unscribing Quest
  5. Handin plugin confusion...
  6. #Stone_Trigger.pl
  7. My Buff Bot, isn't working
  8. Freezing in certain zones
  9. Confusing stuff on globals..
  10. Little help: any ideas why this won't work?
  11. Changign player class and checkign deity?
  12. Naming Weapons?
  13. Same Item Turn for Changing Quest Globals - Need Help
  14. Can't get quests to work
  15. About the qglobal flag
  16. Quest timers
  17. poblem with set apperances
  18. mobs broadcasting
  19. The LDON Magii
  20. Mob Battle
  21. Random with percentages
  22. effects/quest::attack questions.
  23. Item Turn in triggering ALL rewards.
  24. Giving level
  25. More timers. Daily timers/weekly timers Timers in sql?
  26. Quest Problems
  27. Checking PC Skill
  28. ::scribespells() up to X level?
  29. Anguish Quest
  30. Changing textures with a quest?
  31. Handin not working and player.pl error
  32. Finding a mob's Spawn Group
  33. going INSANE trying to get quests up
  34. quest question
  35. faction turn in
  36. PvP Rewards, Events, and QGlobals
  37. Timers
  38. How to identify Spell id?
  39. Zone Repop script
  40. Clearing Quest Globals
  41. Not sure how to title this. Please help..
  42. Zone port quest issues
  43. somewhat like ldon
  44. Plane of Justice Execution Trial
  45. Displaying quest globals
  46. Argo/Death messages
  47. Using && in perl ?
  48. quest help globals
  49. Script for NPC vs NPC but ignores player aggro. Need help
  50. y is this not working return item
  51. NPC reseting aggro for a quest
  52. Setglobal Question:
  53. Need help on a turn in
  54. NPC selecting a specific player from a group
  55. get player faction
  56. damage player doable?
  57. NPC casting types
  58. global variables on server/npc?
  59. Can there be more than one item turn-in per EVENT_ITEM?
  60. Classic skin??
  61. ANy ideas why this signal won't work?
  62. multi-class armor quest
  63. moveto, pathto, something else?
  64. Quest that takes items from the inventory.
  65. Is the ring war available somewhere?
  66. EVENT_HP issues ( any help greatly appreciated)
  67. NPC Conversation
  68. class and level specific quest.. not working at all
  69. respawn?
  70. Another "Quest"ion
  71. quest::start
  72. The treachery of the grail
  73. Problems with a signal script
  74. plugin try_tome_handins
  75. Problem with my $variable
  76. Adding Hate to Spawned Adds is not Working
  77. Quest issues
  78. Remove Item
  79. Give faction status
  80. Using Variables in Quest Objects
  81. All in one pre-packaged quests?
  82. $npc->castSpell(ID,Spell); not working
  83. $EntityList->DeleteNPCCorpses();
  84. # before the npc name?
  85. NPC Spawning
  86. New SQL ?
  87. Dynamic PC Input Menu System
  88. What's wrong with this quest...
  89. Many questions about quest globals
  90. translocator bot
  91. %Hash to Shorten Multiple Quests from 1 NPC - Not Working
  92. $mob->
  93. Quest function to cause mob to be damaged?
  94. Could use some help with == vs. eq
  95. Need some help with this one
  96. Kingdom Quest
  97. Quest turnins not working
  98. Player.pl in template
  99. Question about global "watchers"
  100. LDON point reward
  101. Yun Initiate Bracers
  102. PvP Points Global quest possible?
  103. My first attempt at a "watcher" script
  104. Perl Quest Script Help
  105. player.pl is not present in the CVS?
  106. Only talk to Bertoxxulous Deity
  107. Quest to Zone
  108. text events when NPC in combat
  109. my $hp?
  110. Wandering NPC
  111. PVP Reward
  112. Discipline tomes turn in?
  113. Get group/raid level quest function
  114. variables not reseting?
  115. get class that did finishing blow
  116. NPCSpecialAttacks()
  117. Healing Bot Issue
  118. Sorry for a dumb question but...
  119. Buff Bot Implimentation
  120. PoTimeB Issue - Inny/Cazic/RZ/Bert
  121. Help with making a quest level requirement
  122. Make a mob drop the epic of the class completing a quest
  123. Lang quest - $qglobals not working.
  124. Class Specific Headaches
  125. Proper way to write a variable using a percent?
  126. Level problem with MovePC()
  127. Task nonrepeatable
  128. Problems with all quests.
  129. sir lucan ?
  130. Need help with signals.
  131. How do I make an NPC my pet?
  132. Popup Quest response
  133. party flaged after kill
  134. Retrieving Skill points
  135. check_handin.pl broken/exploit
  136. Random Quest (need help)
  137. What is wrong with my quest?
  138. PoTimeB Issue - Multiple scripts running
  139. Gm event help
  140. Berzerker Boots Quest
  141. summon mobs to npc
  142. Issue with finding clients
  143. Quest Not working with globals
  144. Logging quests
  145. Hatelist Aggro Issues
  146. Moving mobs
  147. new quest command relaodquest
  148. Removing AA via quest.
  149. NPC's dont talk when you hail them
  150. quest command for making an NPC non-attackable?
  151. Pet Handing Quest
  152. Custom Spell Omit
  153. Hailing problems
  154. Major problems
  155. Creating NPC"S And Make Them Quest able
  156. Quest Globals check... Am I doing it right???
  157. How do I make this work ? (.pl)
  158. Spellscriber/Disctrainer
  159. Quest to remove player pets
  160. npc finds player and gives an item?
  161. Random Race
  162. Problems with the warrior armor quest
  163. Perl Script New Year's Request
  164. How do I get $mob->SetHP($mob->GetHP()*85); to work right?
  166. Perl Script Build
  167. qglobal Flags for players
  168. Paying for pets
  169. Help With Script?
  170. qglobals not working for me
  171. Is there a way to detect Leaving Server?
  172. Task System Question
  173. target random player and port there group?
  174. NPC Agro
  175. qglobals
  176. Get Target - Hate List
  177. Raid Mob Spawns Adds
  178. Very simple quest
  179. AA merchant
  180. Turn in 3 items for a class-specific weapon
  181. quest items disappearing, weirdness when zoning
  182. Possible Kill counter?
  183. Armor Quest. NPC doesn't give reward
  184. Team PVP options
  185. Berserker epic quest
  186. Quest Question
  187. "Tieing" mobs together... little help please.
  188. Task Question
  189. Scripting Bzzazzt (EVENT_DEATH)
  190. Teleport Quest
  191. NPC ignores me!
  192. #title quest
  193. PVP flag
  194. Wont respond to hail?
  195. Stopping a timer on aggro loss
  196. Custom zone music--finally!
  197. Using Or
  198. question (new to quest auth)
  199. Exitzone?
  200. Script NPC to Die
  201. Variables +1
  202. help !! Quest Script Error
  203. Quest wont compile
  204. Maeson Trueshot bugged?
  205. Validity of Quest Objects
  206. Round one; Figh...oh zone crash
  207. Custom zone music is here!
  208. Specifying a client
  209. Setting a quest file to work in any zone?
  210. global quest question
  211. What's wrong with this quest?
  212. Return to spawn location
  213. Time limit on zone
  214. Unresistable Root
  215. Having monster attack player when spawns.
  216. Rage of Zomm
  217. Default.pl for Pet Items?
  218. World Emotes and Animations
  219. How to make an npc sit or fall over?
  220. Solo Potimeb
  221. Defualt Quests
  222. Task_Stage_Complete usage
  223. Quest crashes zone
  224. How do I get Shadowhaven to work?
  225. Accepting Coin Via Check_Handin Plugin
  226. Can NPCs speak in other languages?
  227. I have an idea rolling around in my head
  228. Get item when NPC kills another
  229. Scribing spells for one level
  230. Player quest looping
  231. Timer Problem
  232. Multiple Kills spawns boss
  233. Spawning multiple mobs in random locs
  234. Wierdness using quest::depop in EVENT_SPAWN
  235. Door script assistance
  236. Inventory Search via quest interface?
  237. quest::istaskcompleted(taskID) help.
  238. Monk sashs
  239. Limiting players in a room
  240. plugin::return_items
  241. sub EVENT_DEATH?
  242. Do you see anything wrong with this quest code?
  243. Altering NPC body type?
  244. NPC casts on NPC
  245. Little help with player casting detection
  246. size change help
  247. Little help please :)
  248. peq_quest using cvs
  249. Giving weapons to chanter pets
  250. Itemlinks and Saylinks in Popup Windows