View Full Version : Development::Bots

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  1. melee/taunt Bots are not generating hate?
  2. BoT Custom Code
  3. Bot AAs
  4. Rev 2006 As soon as I make a bot I can no loger use my keyboard
  5. bot question
  6. Bot spawn timer?
  7. mercenaries in the future?
  8. Bot interrupts
  9. Enchanter Bot - Beserker Line
  10. #bot group guard
  11. *Desdemona Bot code
  12. Bot Changes 12/6/11
  13. Bot Heal Command and Torches
  14. 2087_required_bots_hp_and_mana_and_spell_updates.s ql
  15. Vendor type for Mercenary Liaison
  16. Simple Question (atl east i think)
  17. Bots and spell target types
  18. Bots unable to Equip certain items
  19. Ranger BOTS are healing the mobs
  20. bots hyperjump
  21. Bot Death
  22. Can I use bots to raid?
  23. Possible bug: mounts
  24. Issue with bot hp view in Groups
  25. bot improvement suggestions
  26. Bot mana regen rule description/default value is wrong
  27. Cleric bot is driving me nuts
  28. Bots and AA
  29. Bot positioning
  30. #1054 unknown column 'HP' in field list
  31. Bot Stances
  32. Max bots per character not working.
  33. Bot::GroupExperience Flag
  34. bot cleric CH vs Regular heal
  35. bot snaring
  36. I don't want bots using some items on my server.
  37. bot shaman cannibalize
  38. Bot group exploits
  39. bots become buggy and stop attacking
  40. Bot runspeed bug / feature
  41. Bard bots
  42. ReleaseBots Rev 2171
  43. Shaman Procs Not Affecting Bots
  44. #bot healrotations
  45. Rev 2218
  46. zone crash doing the following
  47. Custom bot commands
  48. erronious bot logic
  49. Bot issue latest compile...
  50. Bots and mez
  51. Bot Disciplines Question
  52. Slowing question.
  53. Bots + 65
  54. Bot Primary
  55. Healer Bots hate necros
  56. Bots don't zone
  57. #bot group guard doesnt work when 3 or more ppl in group
  58. Bots and Mercs
  59. Is this correct
  60. Bot weapon swap
  61. Bot bug
  62. Making weapons bot >ONLY<
  63. Bot spell damage question
  64. Installing Mercs
  65. Bots dont proc on main hand fix
  66. Bots wont zone with 2 PC in group
  67. Bot Quests for the Bot Creation Limit
  68. bot group camp
  69. IsEngaged() and GetOwnerID() fixes
  70. Fix for #bot delete failing on bots with pets
  71. Fix for #bot create when same named PC exists
  72. Shrink Bots
  73. Another Bot Zoning question
  74. Advanced bots + single player?
  75. Stop Bot from Melee?
  76. Bot Heals
  77. Out-of-combat health regeneration?
  78. #bot savegroup?
  79. A quick question from a rather new person...
  80. Bots and KOS
  81. Bard Out-Of-Combat/In-Combat Songs
  82. pets and bots
  83. Enabling new race/class combinations for bots
  84. Bot Questing
  85. Bot Beg Buff
  86. Traitor Bot Pets?
  87. Bot's losing ac
  88. Bot spell chat filter
  89. Bug: Bots loading scripts
  90. Expanded race options for bots?
  91. Bots compile has a lot of errors
  92. [HOW-TO] Enable expanded race options for bots.
  93. Merc Creation Guide
  94. new to bots....and i need help....
  95. Questions Regarding Bots
  96. Bots randomly despawning / camping?
  97. Compiling with Bots
  98. Boot Looting Question
  99. Bard bot not singing combat songs
  100. Current Bot Issues
  101. Giving Bots No-Trade items.
  102. UF client bot armor appearance.
  103. #bot botgroup load problem
  104. Yet another Bot problem
  105. Two Bot Issues
  106. Bot Raid Questions
  107. Working SQL Bot file
  108. 2/05 code - bots crash zone on death
  109. Bots and Healing
  110. Client World Kick on Bot Disband
  111. Insane Bots
  112. Updated Bots: negative HP values among other things.
  113. Bot Crash
  114. Natedog...
  115. Bot Rule Value Question
  116. Bot limit by IP?
  117. bot command change
  118. Git pull 7/16 and bot.cpp warnings
  119. Newb fix for #bot healrotation
  120. How to setup bots in current version?
  121. Bots Auto-Updater Option
  122. Invisible Items being returned?
  123. Bot Pet Buffs/Inventories And BotGroups
  124. BotOwner by AccountID instead of CharacterID
  125. Limit Bot Class Count per Group
  126. Bots DB Versioning
  127. Special Note For Bots Database Backups...
  128. Bot run speed
  129. Bot Commands
  130. Needscure crash?
  131. Bots lose set stats when spawned
  132. Bot Pet Question
  133. Just an observation with Bot gearing
  134. Old Problem with Bot Pet Agro on Player
  135. Bot::BotPickLock
  136. Bot Account Limit
  137. Bot Zoning / Grouping issue
  138. Selfish Cleric Bot
  139. Bot Raids
  140. Multiple bot questions.
  141. My Wizard bot is a little obsessive
  142. botdelete problem ?
  143. Bot Behavior
  144. Bot problems: can't create (invalid name) and can't convert old bots to new system
  145. Macros - what are your favorite ones for Bots?
  146. Wizard Portals
  147. Lua Assign Bot
  148. bot dyearmor disconnect
  149. Bot Update Error
  150. Where to start
  151. Option 4 not responding
  152. Bot Command List
  153. Rename Bots?
  154. Bot spawn limit working?
  155. Possible to casting of a specific spell .. OR
  156. Bots in Arena = Training Dummies
  157. ^botfollowdistance
  158. Mesmerize
  159. Bot spells...
  160. Can bots be made to buff targets outside of their group?
  161. Bot AI Spells Review
  162. Rogue Bot Evade
  163. Bots depoping on group member zone in.
  164. Bot observations
  165. Do bots automatically use disciplines?
  166. Bot Trading
  167. Bot Binaries Update
  168. SK - Rangers?
  169. Beastlord agro issue
  170. Bard Bot Bug
  171. Bot Pacify
  172. Bot Shaman Pets Attacking PC
  173. Bots joining raids ?
  174. Bot spell graphics
  175. Anyone elses bots do this? hopping/bouncing
  176. Bot health
  177. ERROR 1146 (42S02) at line 1: Table 'eq.bot_spells_entries' doesn't exist
  178. BOT Targetting Bug (current source)
  179. Disallow character creation with same name as existing bot
  180. [setup_bots] - fails on fresh install (missing tables)
  181. Bot AI Re-work
  182. Bots disappeared on my server
  183. Bots not attacking on command
  184. Bot healing. Questions about options, control and configurations.
  185. Partial stacks of items
  186. Cleric bot healing mobs
  187. Limiting Bot Classes
  188. RoF2 Bot Spells
  189. Bot Combat Spam for Parsing?
  190. Periodic Client XTargeting crash w/bots and large pulls
  191. NPC movement overhaul: broken bots?
  192. Bots not casting spells (at all).
  193. Can Bots be created/shared per Account?
  194. Bot pulling, how?
  195. Adding ^petremove command for other bots with pets
  196. Account based Bots creation/sharing
  197. ERROR 1054 Unknown column
  198. Bot Starting Items
  199. Grouping With Bots
  200. Bots casting animations
  201. Bot Archery
  202. Bot spawn limit
  203. Bots and augments
  204. ^charm
  205. Need help installing bots
  206. Question on bots...
  207. Rogue bots not backstabbing
  208. Bot command list with descriptions / comments?
  209. Have necro cast Deadman Floating
  210. Quick Bot Questions
  211. Bot Hold/Supsend/Release
  212. Cleric Bot Stopped Casting Temperance
  213. Bots & Clicky Items
  214. Bot spellcasting command + improvements request
  215. Necromancer Snares
  216. Need help with adding bots
  217. Bots in Bot Groups keep casting Buffs over and over
  218. Do bots not have access to all their spells?
  219. Spawning bots
  220. Unable to See Bot Combat Messages
  221. Bot spell issues
  222. Bot Combat Abilities